Effective Date: August 16, 2022
Table Top (Company) offers local Internet access to customers in accordance with the following terms and conditions.
Table Top does not engage in any traffic shaping or filtering that would restrict the transmission of lawful network traffic. Lawful content, ports, applications, services, or non-harmful devices are not blocked from the Table Top Internet network subject to the Table Top Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
Table Top offers several broadband internet access products utilizing xDSL and Ethernet Transport Service technologies. Service details may be viewed at the following link:
Non-affiliated speed test link:
Internet congestion and latency experienced beyond the Table Top Internet network is outside the control of the provider. All concerns with broadband data rates should be reported to Table Top by calling 520.387.7676.
Table Top monitors and manages the shared network bandwidth to provide users with broadband experiences consistent with the products they have purchased. At times network congestion may occur and when it does, packets can be dropped or delayed which may result in service degradation. Because the network is shared by all users, Table Top reserves the right to implement traffic management policy during periods of peak demand. Table Top Internet does take measures to protect its network. Generally, Table Top does not interfere with the use of specific protocols or ports. In the interest of network security Table Top does block all incoming DNS queries through Port 53 not destined for the Table Top DNS Servers. Customers who wish to utilize Port 53 can contact Table Top at 520.387.7676 to request access. Additionally, all inbound and outbound Table Top email traffic is filtered through our email server virus protection. This virus protection cannot be removed. Each customer email account is provisioned with a SPAM filter which the user can control through an administration portal.
There are no restrictions on the lawful devices a customer may connect to the Table Top network. If a customer chooses to use their own Internet Gateway it must be compliant with any transmission protocol currently in use in the network. The customer is strongly advised to contact Table Top to determine which protocol is in use at your service location. Table Top assumes no responsibility for the network compatibility, performance or technical support of customer provided equipment not purchased or rented from Table Top.
You can view current broadband internet access pricing information at the following link:
Or you can contact our Customer Care Office at 520.387.7676 Monday through Friday 8AM to 5:00PM or send an email to customercare@tabletoptel.com. For additional information regarding broadband services you can view current Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy at the following link: